CD launch: Undertones of war

Following Robert James Stove's first, second, and third commercial recordings (The Gates of Vienna 2018, Pax Britannica 2019, and French Romantic Church Music 2021) comes his fourth, Undertones of War.
This time the music is by British composers in the First World War's aftermath; some of this music is for organ solo, while some of it features five of Melbourne's most talented young singers.
Here's hoping you can attend this event, for which we're privileged to have as invited guest speaker:
Paul Watt is Professor of Musicology at the Australian Guild of Music, and Adjunct Professor of Musicology at the University of Adelaide. His many publications include Ernest Newman: A Critical Biography (2017).
Copies of the the CD will be on sale at the launch for $20 each. And copies of James Stove's earlier CDs will also be on sale for $10-15 each.
The event flyer may be downloaded here: